I had a relatively queit day yesterday so I managed to get some pieces done - I love it when something just clicks together - from the moment I purchased these beads I just "knew" what to do with them!!

The beads are a blue with amythest and sky blue glass and mixed with Karen Hill Tribe they are just delicious!!

I know I didn't want to mention the weather AGAIN but trully there isn't much else to talk about - there are flood everywhere and the poor people whose homes have been invaded by the smelly water must be beside themselves. It really does break my heart to see them on the tv news.
Although here in Cornwall the weather has been atrocious we haven't see that many floods - can you believe its nearly July - WE NEED SOME SUN!!!! Come on everyone do a sun dance - Ohhhh great name for my next piece!!!!
© Gemheaven 2007