I think my eyes are starting to complain about all this close up work, I need nagging to go to the opticians! Years ago, and I mean B.E (Before Elli) in fact B.M (Before marriage) I had my eyes tested as my Auntie was diagnosed with Glaucoma, I need glasses for close up work, I had them as a Birthday gift (very expensive) and I hated wearing them. At the time I worked as a photographers assistant - setting up lights, booking in clients, sorting through the photographs, adding client base to computor, loading film etc. My head was up and down and I started getting headaches from glasses on and off, or in my case not taking them off at the right moments. So guess what I gave up wearing them.....

Of course I now need to be rechecked and my eyes are so sore in the evenings, I think they are crying for help. I'm just so bad at gtting myself checked out for some reason... you'd think after all my health scares I would be the opposite, sadly anything which is slightly invasive of my person I run screaming for the hills. WEll I suppose there's always more valium ....
ANd yes I am joking ;p