Today I am doing some Etsy bragging and showing some fabulous people off!! Since being not only on Flickr, Twitter and Etsy I have made some wonderful friends and met some really talented artists. Freya of
Tiger Burning Bright is just one of many but she included me in her delicious looking Treasury. Freya's work is so inspirational to me ~ and with it she is such a lovely friend ~ I can highly recommend her Pastiche earrings I am wearing mine now :)
A Treasury, for anyone who isn't 'up' on Etsy and all its going ons, is a place to promote artists and sellers you really like ~ (Not good to put yourself in) I've been a few now and I have to say I really should show more of them off ~ sadly my way of getting a screenshot isn't great.
Leading me on to another seller ~
Babecakes 1011's shop is looking soo delicious I may even go to America just to try them out!! This one is the Lemon with Limon frosting and wow!! I could go on about all the wonderful cupcakes she has in her store but I would only depress myself with not being able to buy any!! I do urge anyone who is in the US or has family over there to treat yourself or them ~ then let me have some delightfully in details feedback!!

Finishing with my new Styled heart earrings ~ I have about 5 pairs left ~ they seem to be popular :)
those cupcakes just make me wonder how she ships them out with all that icing!! surely they arrive in a squashy heap? making me hungry looking at them!
Hi Jo,
I still haven't managed to grab a treasury yet - they are such a lovely way to show complimentary work together. I'll have to put my sister onto those cupcakes too, they look divine... Glad to hear your new range of earrings etc. is going well too.
Ali x
First off, I want to say Thank you to Gemhaven for blogging about me. Thank you so much.
Now on to the big ? Shipping??
If you look at any of our listings, you will see a picture of the cupcakes packaged in our Eco-Friendly cups. I then tape the lid on and the pack very very tight. I hope this answers some of the questions about shipping these little gems.
Gorgeous work as always Jo, love the hearts, just fabulous! Freya's work is incredible too, thanks so much for introducing her to us!!
.. distracted by pretty cupcakes . .
They are sure to win more hearts.The look and the delicacy is hard to find in this new style.I love it too.
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