Look at the beautiful blue sea glass I found in my sea glass box - three different shades - of course this little beauty is already on the wrist of the owner and she's lucky I even decided to send it - you know how I am with blue!
I also would like to say my valium wearing off was like the morning after, headache and lethargy - in fact it felt like I hadn't slept for 48 hours!! But hey they worked at the time and made a terrifying (for me) experiance much easier ;0) My mouth is still feeling odd but hopefully its all sorting itself out now. Again thanks for the hugs and love you all have shown me :D
© Gemheaven 2008
Its funny how now I'm coming off them I feel hungover and having flashbacks of the morning - my lovely friend Clare who drove me there and back said I was hilarious and I just thank the lord I didn't run naked through the town centre because I have a feeling I was game for anything!! But yes I'm suffering now - I think I could sleep for a week!! I also told the dentist about my blog so I hope to goodness he doesn't find it - I remember refusing to give him the name of my business lol so hopefully he forgot and won't come searching!! If he does "hello" and the previous blog post was written through sheer terror and I like you really!!!!!
Huge thank yous to all my lovely friends the hugs and goodluck vibes helped me so much :D
© Gemheaven 2008
For those of you wondering why I haven't mentioned my tooth lol well its because I'm trying to pretend its not happening - sadly now you have reminded me and I'll have to go have a glass of wine to help my nerves!!! NO honestly I can't stop whats happening so I'm trying to go with the flow - the valium I'm sure will help although I am a little worried as taking two seemed to have no greater effect than one - mind you I'm not quite sure what I was expecting!! To my dear blog friend Brandi of Caties Blue - the reason my friend gave me of not having "laughing gas" is because it is now illegal !! IT can only be given in hospitals apparently - maybe something to do with thats its a strong sedative, my friend trained with its use but said no one can include it in treatment in the UK! Boohoo!
A few of my recent pieces above- Elegance is simple and chic with Rock Crystals and silver. The above pendant Full of Curves with handforged silver and prehnite - I really enjoyed creating this one.
© Gemheaven 2008
Now all this is a maybe but would you tell someone who is phobic and obviously in a state things like root canal, sedation, hosptital, extraction, drilling, and not expect them to literally fall to pieces - and then he asked me WHAT I wanted to do?? I couldn't even tell you my name by then!!! SO here I am supping rescue remedy and hav dug out my pot of Quiet Life and made an appointment to see the dr - I need something strong for next Tuesday!!!
© Gemheaven 2008
It will be so nice to eventually use my own silver beads and I have so many ideas but not sure how soon that will be though. It great fun to experiment though :D
© Gemheaven 2008